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Friday, September 23, 2011

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky Journal Entries

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: Journal Entries
Ms. Laura read the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky aloud to the students of Morgan Academy. Students then composed journal entries guided by the question, "How is the earth like a mother?"

The earth is like a mother because it feeds us, it shelters us, and it is unspeakably beautiful. - J.P., age 8

The earth is like a mother because it is so beautiful. I like the breeze and flowers. I like the beautiful rivers. I like the flowers that Mom gives me. - K.M., age 5

The earth is like a mother because the earth takes good care of everything like the grass, trees, flowers, and all of the animals. 
- J.T., age 5

The earth is like mother because it has water and food. The earth is green and blue. I love the earth. The earth is good. - R.T., age 7

The earth is like a mother because it has water and food that is good for us. It has a lot of food and water for us. - N.Y., age 8

The earth is like a mother because the earth grows trees, and trees produce oxygen, and we need oxygen. The earth is like a mother because it produces grass, sunlight, and water. Sunlight and water produce grass, grass makes feed for animals, and animals keep us alive. So, Mother Earth gives us food, water, and shelter. THANK YOU, MOTHER EARTH! The earth makes happiness. The earth makes all the four elements - earth, wind, fire, and water. Mother Earth is what keeps us alive. THANK YOU, MOTHER EARTH!
- A.L.M., age 9

The earth is like a mother to all of us. The wind gives us our first
breath that makes us come alive. The dirt gives us food to grow strong. The rivers, lakes, and streams bring us water. We must take care of the earth like it has taken care of us. We breathe in the air and blow out the love that keeps the earth alive. Our hearts belong to the earth. We all love the earth, and she loves us. - A.C.M., age 9

The earth is like a mother because she is totally like one. The earth gives us food and water, like a mother.  - S.P., age 6

The earth is like a mother because she gives us food and water. She gives us a beautiful sky. She loves us, and we love her. We love whatever she gives us. She gives us the bald eagle.
- E.J., age 8

The earth is like it is our mother because it is our mother, and our mother takes care of us. She feeds us. - H.W., age 7

The earth is like a mother because she gives us all she can. She gives us resources, animals, plants, happiness, science, life, minerals, and wilderness. She lets us live on her planet, her home.
- Y.M., age 11

Earth is our mother. She gives us food, water, shelter, oxygen, life, friends, heat, feeling, eyes, animals, trees, flowers, family, love, cake, happiness, stones, beauty, teachers, and medicine.
- H.B., age 8

The earth is like a mother because she makes the food we eat, she grows the trees we use, and she makes the flowers we smell. She gives us animals to play with and gives us air. She gives us warmth and water, and she gives us clothes. - M.R., age 9

The earth is like a mother because it gives you things like fruit and vegetables, and she keeps us alive with oxygen. She helps you take your first breath. - M.J., age 9

The earth is like a mother. It gives us what we need to live - no more, no less. It give us the food we eat, the air we breathe, the land we walk on. Without her we would not be here. The sky, the land, the water - all one thing. - M.L., age 13

The earth is like a mother because the earth has everything we need. It has food, water, honey, school, and money. The earth loves us so much, and that's why we should love the earth, too.
- K.L., age 8

The earth is like a mother of everything like lions, monkeys, llamas, horses, bears, people, and all the animals. - D.M., age 8

The earth is like a mother because we will always be comforted by being on the ground. The earth is beating and beaming with life and love like a mother's love. The earth is slow and steady and caring like a mother's mind. The earth is safe and steady like a mother's eyes. - C.P., age 12

The earth is like a mother who wants us to love the earth. The picture at the end was so pretty. There were eagles in the book, Brother Eagle, Sister Sky. I drew an eagle. - C.K., age 5

The way I think of the earth as my mother is that she gives us a place to live, and she provides fruits and vegetables for us to eat. The earth gives us oxygen to breathe. She gives us trees for paper, logs for firewood, fish to eat, and deer for meat. She gives us a family. She provides families for us. She gives us clouds to watch and rivers to swim in. Therefore, we must honor, protect, and worship the earth. - R.H., age 10

The earth is a mother because it gives us food, water, shelter, comfort, happiness, love, friends, oxygen, feelings, family, flowers, trees, animals, life, and PIE! - S.M.L., age 9

The earth is like a mother because it takes good care of me, and I will take good care of the earth. It is a special place. - A.H., age 7

The earth is like a mother. It gives water, food, wood for houses, trees, life, family, animals, love, air, plants, nature, and light. I LOVE THE EARTH! - S.Z.M.L., age 8

The earth is like a mother to the horses. I really liked the horses in the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky. - M.L., age 5 

The earth is like a mother because it takes care of all the deer and the fish, so that I can hunt them. Then I am taken care of.
- C.O., age 7

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome Morgan Academy!

Morgan Academy is an independent school located in Shepherdstown, WV, and is joining the Connecting Children to Nature Through American Literature: 1890 - Today team for the next couple of months commenting on the exhibit's book selections and ones moderators have picked since June 2011.

The students at Morgan Acadamey will be posting comments after they have participated in a full bodied discussion in thier classroom.  Not only will they be commenting on their reading selections, but they will also be doing writing and creative art, environmental , and conservation activites related to the content in each reading.

The following books have been selected by the students and teachers at Morgan Academy to discuss.

Old Mother West Wind

Blueberries for Sal

A Tree is Nice


The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

Writing and Creative Art

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